Friday Khutba
The Spiritual Journey Has Begun: From the First Day of the Three Holy Months to Eid al-Fitr
02. January 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (swt) has created sacred places among locations and sacred times among periods. The three holy months, Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan, adorned with blessings and mercy, forgiveness and abundance, are among these sacred times. We have now entered this spiritual time period of abundance. Rasulullah (saw) would supplicate upon entering the three holy months: “O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha’ban and allow us to reach Ramadan.”[1]
The three holy months are a display of Allah’s infinite mercy upon humanity, a time when peace and tranquillity wrap hearts more deeply and His mercy and forgiveness are bestowed in greater abundance. These months offer an opportunity to reassess our purpose of creation, reflect on the past, plan and set goals for the future, reinforce our awareness of servitude and support a consciousness of piety (taqwa).
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The month of Rajab, in which we currently find ourselves, has been regarded as sacred both before and after the introduction of Islam. Last night, we observed the Night of Raghaib, the first blessed night of Rajab and on its 27th night, we will, insha’Allah, commemorate the Isra and Mi’raj Night. The second of the three holy months, Sha’ban, is adorned with the sacred Night of Bara’ah on its 15th night. Our mother, Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), said: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah fast an entire month except Ramadan, nor have I seen him fast as much in any other month as he did in Sha’ban.[2]
The month of Ramadan, the final of the three holy months, along with the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) within it, holds a unique place in our religious lives. Ramadan is a month filled with virtues, a month of charity, helping those in need, fasting and, above all, the month of the Qur’an.
The blessed three months should remind us of our duties and responsibilities toward Allah (swt), our families, our children, the Muslim community and all of humanity. They should serve as an opportunity to turn away from our mistakes, sins, negligence and shortcomings and awaken from the laziness.
During these sacred days and nights, we should increase our prayers and duas. We must prioritise Qur’an recitation, tafsir studies, Islamic history and general Islamic studies with our families and children. Furthermore, we should never neglect congregational prayers, mosques and community gatherings.
Dear Jama’ah!
During the months of Rajab and Sha’ban, we should strive to do voluntary fasts as preparation for the fasting of Ramadan. We should bring joy to orphans, the poor, and those in need through acts of kindness and generosity. Visiting the sick, the elderly and those who are alone, addressing their needs and offering support should also be among our priorities.
We must teach our children about the greatness of Islam and the blessings and abundance of the three holy months, decorating our mosques and community spaces with their presence. In this spiritual season, we should resolve conflicts, set aside divisions and disagreements, abandon personal interests and differences, and work to strengthen the peace, brotherhood, unity and solidarity that our noble religion demands of us. It is also a time to rekindle our human and moral virtues, which we need now more than ever.
May the blessed three months bring new awakenings to the Islamic world and goodness to all of humanity through the grace and generosity of Almighty Allah. Let us conclude with the verse recited at the beginning of our khutba: “Their reward with their Lord will be gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. Excellent is the reward for those who strive [in Allah’s cause]!”[3]
[1] Taberânî, el-Mu’cemu’l-evsat, IV, 189
[2] Müslim, Siyam 176; İbn Mâce, Siyam 30
[3] Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:136
The Spiritual Journey Has Begun: From the First Day of the Three Holy Months to Eid al-Fitr