Friday Khutba
The Glad Tidings of Isa (AS)
21. December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (swt), who created humans from nothingness and made them aware of their existence, sent messengers to guide humanity in the worship of Him, to steer them away from wrongdoing and to establish justice. These messengers were tasked with conveying the will of Allah (swt) to people and directing them towards Him. Ultimately, as the messengers of the Almighty Creator, the prophets and messengers were entrusted with delivering Allah’s religion, showing the belief in monotheism as the only prescription for salvation to the communities they were sent to. Among these messengers were prophets who, despite facing immense hardships, fulfilled their prophetic duties with remarkable determination and unwavering commitment. Undoubtedly, one of these figures is Isa (as), the son of Maryam (Mary).
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The Quran expresses the miraculous creation of Isa (as), being fatherless, in this manner: “The example of Jesus in the sight of God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, ‘Be,’ and he was.”
Isa (as), sent to his community, warned them against the wrongdoings they had fallen into and delivered the revelation bestowed upon him from Allah (swt). His message invited people to believe in the singular God. He invited them to believe in the God who has no partners, who is in need of no one, and who possesses absolute power and might. He based this invitation on love and compassion.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) expressed that belief in Isa (as) as the servant and messenger of God is undoubtedly the key to entering paradise with complete faith.
He said, “Whoever testifies that there is no god but Allah, alone without any partners, that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, that Jesus is the servant of Allah, His messenger, the son of His female servant, that the word of God was cast unto Mary and a spirit from Him, and that Paradise and Hellfire are true, Allah will admit him through any of the eight doors of Paradise he wishes.”
Dear Jama’ah!
Isa (as) encouraged people not to despair of Allah’s boundless mercy and preached that those who turn away from the belief in the oneness of God and associate partners with Him will not partake in this mercy. The belief that there is no equal or likeness to Allah (swt) is one of the fundamental principles of monotheism. This message, affirming what was revealed before and completing it, is also found in what was sent down to Isa (as) in our religion.
Regrettably, many of the values signalled by Isa (as) are neglected in today’s world. There’s a visible decline and transformation in faith and worship, while intolerance and lack of understanding build walls between societies, leading to separation among people. Prejudices against Muslims and hostility toward Islam do not align with the message of Isa (as) and the teachings of our religion, Islam.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Our duty is to deliver these messages by living and embodying them, reaching out to humanity. Our religion teaches us not to associate partners with Allah, emphasising that the only Creator and provider of sustenance is the Merciful and Compassionate Allah. We should exemplify these teachings in our lives, becoming role models for societies and conveying these values inherent in our faith. Let’s not forget that intolerance and enmity among people will only fade away as they get to know one another. Let’s make an effort to convey the message of mercy and love in Islam. Let’s approach our neighbours, colleagues and everyone around us with love and tolerance.
May our Allah (swt) grant us the ability to recognise truth as truth and follow it, and to recognise falsehood as falsehood and abstain from it. Ameen.
1 Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:59
2 Müslim, Îmân, 46
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