Friday Khutba
Spiritual Purification: The Night of Barat
06. February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
One of the greatest blessings that Allah (swt) has given His servants is time. Time is a realm of opportunity that completely embraces a person’s life story. Regardless of the month, day, or hour of the year, every moment spent with the consciousness of servitude is valuable. However, there are certain times when, by Allah’s grace, prayers are accepted and sins are forgiven. These periods are a indication of Allah’s infinite mercy and grace upon humanity. One such sacred time is the 15th night of the month of Sha’ban, the Night of Barat, which falls on the night connecting Thursday, February 13, to Friday. Nights of spiritual significance, such as Barat, provide us with a great opportunity to renew ourselves in terms of faith, worship, servitude and contemplation. They allow us to reflect on our past, plan for our future and refresh our hopes. On this blessed night, we should sincerely repent for our sins and pray to Allah for all Muslims and humanity. On this night, Allah (swt) abundantly gives His divine mercy, opens the doors of sustenance and healing and invites us to His endless blessings. This spiritual atmosphere grants us awareness of establishing and maintaining a balanced life. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection and renewal, guiding us toward a path of righteousness and spiritual purification.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Our religion, Islam, places great importance on maintaining a balance between the worldly and the hereafter, material and spiritual aspects, as well as balancing reason, thought, emotion and knowledge. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the balance of material and spiritual values in both our personal and social lives has been disrupted. Negativity such as materialism and selfishness has begun to affect our mental well-being. However, Islam considers not only a person’s material needs but also their spiritual needs, emphasising the importance of maintaining a continuous connection with the Creator. As we prepare to observe the Night of Barat, we should all follow the following divine message from Allah (swt): “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves! Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.”[1] Regarding the Night of Barat, in the hadith I recited at the beginning of my khutba, our Prophet (saw) said: “On the fifteenth night of Sha’ban, Allah the Almighty looks upon His servants with mercy. However, those who associate partners with Him and those who are filled with hatred and selfishness are deprived of this forgiveness.”[2] Shirk is the act of associating partners, equals or similitudes with Allah in His divinity, essence, attributes, actions or worship. It means believing that there is another being alongside Allah who shares in His power and authority over the creation. For this reason, Allah does not forgive shirk or those who commit it.[3] A true believer is like a flowing stream; pure, unpolluted by filth and free from bitterness. If a servant abandons shirk, hatred and all sins while still in this life, the door they should turn to is undoubtedly the door of repentance. Allah (swt) is At-Tawwab (the One who accepts repentance) and Ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful).
Dear Jama’ah!
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When the fifteenth night of Sha’ban arrives, spend it in worship and fast during the day. For on this night, from sunset until dawn, Almighty Allah descends to the lowest heaven with His mercy and proclaims: ‘Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness so that I may forgive them? Is there anyone in need of sustenance so that I may provide for them? Is there anyone in need of healing so that I may grant them health? Is there anyone with a request so that I may fulfill it?’ This divine call continues until the break of dawn.” [4] Wherever we are and whatever state we may be in, it is Allah (swt) who provides healing for our sicknesses, solutions for our troubles and forgiveness for our sins. Therefore, let us seize the opportunity of the Night of Barat to sincerely pray for the peace, well-being and guidance of all humanity. Let us participate in the programs held in our mosques with our families. On this blessed occasion, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the Night of Barat. May it bring goodness to all of humanity and may this night be a means of salvation and mercy for us all. I sincerely pray to Allah (swt) for our ultimate success.
[1] Surah Az-Zumar, 39:53
[2] İbn Mâce, I, 445, Hadis No: 1390
[3] Surah An-Nisa, 4:16
[4] İbn Mâce, İkâmet, 191