Press Release
Refugee policy should be guided by morals and dignity.
03. February 2021
Regarding the terrible living conditions of refugees in Bosnian and Greek camps, Bekir Altaş, secretary general of the Islamic Association of Millî Görüş (IGMG) called on European countries to “base their refugee policies on morals and dignity – not vice versa.”
“The living conditions in Bosnian and Greek camps are incompatible with our ideas of human dignity. Women and children dwell in leaking, unheated tents at wintry temperatures. Neither the sanitary nor other facilities meet modern standards. These abhorrent conditions have been continuing for many months now while those in charge obviously see no reason to change the situation for the better. From the looks of it, those inhumane conditions in the camps are politically intended to deter people from coming to Europe. If such assumptions are found to be true, those responsible should be ashamed of themselves”, said Altaş.
Not only would the camps’ inmates be deprived of their most fundamental rights, but Europe would betray her own values, Altaş criticized.
“Foreign and refugee policy considerations currently prevail over morals and humanity which are of paramount importance for peace and social cohesion in Europa and the World. Therefore, we call on the European Union as well as every single member state, to bring an end to those unspeakable policies and return to a policy guided by morals and dignity.”