Friday Khutba
Purifying Our Soul and Our Wealth
07. March 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
One of the five fundamental principles upon which Islam is built is zakat. Zakat is an compulsory act of worship commanded by Allah. It is an essential responsibility for those considered wealthy in Islam to share a specific portion of their wealth with those in need once a year. In Surah At-Tawbah, Allah (swt) states: “Take alms (zakat) from their wealth to purify and cleanse them with it!”[1] In an Islamic society, zakat is not only an act of worship that must be fulfilled as a command of Allah and requires sincere intention, but it also has countless benefits that elevate religious and moral values in individuals and society, strengthen the social structure and brings energy to economic life. According to the Qur’an, zakat is the right of the poor. Giving it allows a person to purify and cleanse both their material and spiritual existence. Indeed, Allah (swt) reminds us in the Qur’an about the pious believers, saying: “And in their wealth, there is a rightful share for the needy and the deprived.”[2] Therefore, a believer is obligated to give zakat to their needy brothers and sisters.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The Fitr sadaqah, commonly known as fitrah, is given as an expression of gratitude for being created as a human and for reaching Eid after fasting during Ramadan. It is compulsory for Muslims who are considered financially capable and who reach the end of Ramadan to give this. A person is responsible for giving the fitrah on behalf of themselves and their young children. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) stated that fitrah is required for every Muslim, whether young or old, male or female. Although the time when fitrah becomes compulsory is the first day of Eid al-Fitr, it can be given before Eid as well, which is even more virtuous. In fact, it is recommended to give it before the Eid prayer.
Dear Jama’ah!
Islam, has established rules to protect the weak, the powerless, orphans, widows and the poor, safeguarding their integration into society by taking the necessary measures. Indeed, Allah (swt) has informed His servants, whom He has blessed with wealth, that the needy also have a rightful share in what they enjoy and has commanded that this right be fulfilled. Wealth and possessions are trusts from Allah to His servants. Using them in accordance with Allah’s pleasure is an act of servitude. Therefore, we must spend what we have with the intention of seeking Allah’s approval. Otherwise, failing to do so would mean being ungrateful to Allah, the sole owner of all riches. In this passing world, which has a beginning and an end, we are just trustees of the blessings given to us by Allah (swt). Every blessing entrusted to us requires gratitude in its own form. The gratitude of our hearts is faith in Allah. The gratitude of our tongues is expressing the truth and remembering the Creator of the universe. The gratitude of our bodies is worshiping Allah, who created us. The gratitude of our wealth is giving zakat and charity. Zakat frees the wealthy from the disease of stinginess and excessive greed for wealth. It encourages generosity and instils the virtue of offering a share of one’s earnings, thereby expressing gratitude for the blessings received. Furthermore, zakat strengthens social solidarity, extending a hand of brotherhood to those in need.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In these blessed days of Ramadan, when the need for mutual help and solidarity is even greater, let us urgently deliver our zakat and fitrah to those in need through the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (ICMG) and Hasene. Let us do so that our earnings may be purified and our bodies and souls may find peace. Let us do so that the lonely, the needy, orphans, widows, students; in short, our less fortunate brothers and sisters may find comfort and happiness. Allah (swt) says: “You will never attain righteousness until you spend from that which you love. And whatever you spend, indeed Allah knows it well.”[3] The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Protect your wealth through zakat, treat your sick through charity, and prepare for calamities with prayer.”[4] May this blessed Friday be a means of salvation for the oppressed. May Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, grace and assistance be upon us all. Ameen.
[1] Surah At-Tawbah, 9:103
[2] Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:19
[3] Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:92
[4] Taberânî, Mu’cemü’l-Kebir, Hadis No: 10044