Friday Khutba
Protecting the Boundaries Set by Allah
28. December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In the Quranic verse we have recited at the beginning of the khutba, Allah (swt) addresses us believers: “ O believers! Do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.” Allah (swt) has created existence and life in a state of balance. A seed falling onto the soil, if deprived of some sunlight or exposed excessively to water, cannot grow and flourish. Even a slight disturbance in the delicate mathematical balance in the universe could lead to the collapse of the entire cosmos. If the Earth were to deviate even slightly from its orbit, life could cease to exist. Similarly, when humans look at their own bodies, they encounter an astonishing balance. The marvellous harmony in the universe and within humans reminds us of the following verse: “…[He] who created everything and determined it and [then] guided.”
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (swt), who created everything with measure, has also set a measure for humans to live in accordance with the purpose of their creation. This measure involves adhering to the boundaries defined by religion. Allah, who bestowed Islam as a mercy upon humanity, has communicated the fundamental measures for every stage of life to us. These boundaries, often summarised by the concepts of permissible (halal) and forbidden (haram), constitute the sole source of salvation for both worldly life and the hereafter.
Humanity, blessed with countless gifts, transgresses when it deviates from the measure established by the Creator. Expressions in the Quran such as ” ta’addi” and “tughyaan” signify the oppression humanity faces when these boundaries are exceeded. For instance, if a person overeats, they harm their own body; if they cannot control their anger, they oppress their own soul.
Likewise, someone engaging in forbidden actions initially oppresses their own family. Relationships within the family become empty of love and trust. The breakdown of the family becomes a source of societal unrest. Therefore, surpassing the boundaries set by the Almighty for humanity, disregarding the measures of permissible and forbidden, constitutes an oppression committed against oneself, one’s family and society. Oppression undoubtedly leads humanity towards destruction. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) emphasised the danger of disobedience by repeating three times the following statement: “Those who exceed the limits in their speech and actions have perished.”
An unbalanced word from the mouth can destroy a family and a misaligned behaviour can lead to conflict. In this world, transgression leads to nothing but destruction in the hereafter. Discord, hypocrisy, stinginess, extravagance, conflict, or war pose a complete threat to individuals, families, and societies. Boundless consumption and entertainment are also indicators of surpassing limits. Faced with endless worldly desires, souls are being driven into intoxication.
Dear Jama’ah!
In today’s world, the commanding nafs has almost become a culture. Despite having limited means, humans persistently strive to fulfill their limitless desires. A greedy self, fixated only on what the earth can provide, remains unsatisfied by any pleasure, continually pursuing something newer and better.
However, using the bestowed blessings within limits is sufficient to bring happiness to a person. Living within the boundaries set by Allah (swt) brings peace to one’s own soul and can bring tranquillity to their family and society.
We cannot forbid for ourselves what has been made permissible, nor can we consider what has been prohibited as permissible for ourselves. Moderation, for a believer, involves directing oneself toward what is permissible and refraining from what is forbidden. Indeed, Islam is the reflection of the balance established by our Creator in the universe, reflected in our lives.
May Allah (swt) make us among those who abide by His boundaries and who do not transgress. Ameen.
1 Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:87
2 Surah Al-Furqan, 2
3 Müslim, İlim, 7
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