Friday Khutba

Our Guide: The Quran

17. October 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Allah (swt), who created the earth as a testing ground for humanity, did not leave us alone during this test. Through the messengers and books He sent, He has taught and shown us right from wrong, truth from lie and good from evil. The Qur’an, the last book sent by Allah (swt), is the only book that has remained unchanged as it was revealed by Allah. Throughout history, whenever people have followed the path shown by this book, they have experienced peace and happiness both individually and collectively. However, whenever the boundaries drawn by this book have been crossed and its path abandoned, people have fallen into a pit of unrest, dissatisfaction and negativity on both individual and societal levels. As mentioned in the verse I recited at the beginning of my khutba, Allah (swt) mentions: “Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most upright and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward, and that We have prepared a painful punishment for those who do not believe in the Hereafter.”[1]Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The Qur’an has first and foremost prepared our minds with accurate knowledge, teaching us the true reasons behind the existence and functioning of the universe and the attributes of the divine power behind all of this. In doing so, it has saved humanity from falsehoods and false beliefs. The Qur’an has also regulated human behaviour, showing us the most accurate and beautiful way to serve the Allah (swt), as well as determining how relationships between people should be organised in a manner that is just and fair.

The beliefs and way of life established by the Qur’an are not confined to a specific time, region or nation, but encompass all times, regions and peoples until the Day of Judgment.

Dear Jama’ah!

Every Muslim has certain duties towards the Qur’an. Our primary duty is to believe that the Qur’an is the true book sent by Allah. One of the compulsory acts of prayer is the recitation (qira’at) of the Qur’an. Therefore, every Muslim is responsible for knowing how to recite the Qur’an at least well enough to perform their prayers correctly. The Messenger of Allah (saw) emphasised the importance of learning and teaching the Qur’an by saying, “Learn the Qur’an, recite it, and teach it. A person who learns, recites, and acts upon the Qur’an is like a vessel filled with musk, spreading fragrance everywhere. But a person who learns the Qur’an yet sleeps without reciting or teaching it is like a musk container with a sealed mouth.”[2]

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The duty we most neglect regarding the Qur’an today is applying its commands and prohibitions in our daily lives. The Qur’an was not sent only to be recited with our tongues or memorised but also to be practiced with our actions. If we limit ourselves to reading the Qur’an without incorporating it into our lives, we are like a patient who reads the prescription written by a doctor but does not take the prescribed medication. Let us remember that no patient recovers simply by reading the prescription. We must both read the Qur’an ourselves and teach it to the next generations. A generation that does not follow the path of the Qur’an cannot achieve goodness or excellence in this world, nor happiness in the hereafter.

As the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (ICMG), we have been working tirelessly since our establishment to ensure the Qur’an is understood, read and passed down from generation to generation. We pour our hearts and souls into ensuring that the divine word is conveyed to future generations. As we take steps to elevate this great legacy, we will hold the 36th European Qur’an Recitation Competition on Saturday, October 19, in the city of Hagen. We invite all lovers of the Qur’an to witness this blessedgathering and these joyous moments where the most beautiful of voices will resonate.

[1] Surah Al-Isra, 17:9

[2] Tirmizî, Fedâilü’l-Kur’ân, 2

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