Press Release
One year after the Hanau attacks: „Our trust in the rule of law is severely put to test.”
18. February 2021
“One year after the gruesome Hanau murders, many questions still remain unanswered. That hurts and puts the victim’s trust in the rule of law to a severe test – especially in Hesse”, said Bekir Altaş, secretary general of the IGMG. Altaş spoke on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Hanau attacks which left nine people dead. “We are still in pain and shock – too great is the gap the victims have left. These people were violently deprived of their young lives. We grieve with their families, relatives, and friends. We grieve with Hanau. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who became victims of this monstrous deed. May God give them strength and patience.”
The fact that the victims’ relatives still had no answers to many of their questions was what made the Hanau attacks so poignant, Altaş said. “How could this happen? Why was the attacker allowed to have weapons? Why were the police irresponsive to the relatives that evening? Was the Shisha Bar’s emergency exit really barred by order of the police? In which spheres did the attacker move? Are the families safe today? What measures did security authorities take? And why were the surviving relatives let down?”
Altaş criticized that those responsible had yet to be held accountable. “Politicians and security authorities wash their hands in innocence and accept responsibility for any negligence only when being pressured by the media. That is a clear evidence of incapacity! That is not how the fight against
racism and right-wing extremism is won.”
Especially the Hessian government still had to answer many questions, said Altaş. “Be it the murder of Walter Lübcke, the NSU complex, or Hanau: the trust and confidence in the rule of law have suffered tremendously. We demand complete clarification and effective measures for the future!”