Press Release
Let’s not slacken the fight against the pandemic
06. May 2021
Kemal Ergün, Chairman of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), urged people not to slacken the fight against the pandemic. “Muslims have shown their support for the fight against the pandemic by strictly observing the hygiene measures in mosques. To make these efforts more valuable, we need to strengthen our immune systems against the virus.“ said Ergün, and continued his statement as folows:
“The fight against the virus is a task that concern all parts of society. As an Islamic community, we consider contributing to the fight against the pandemic as a natural duty. That is why we have underlined this issue in our Friday sermons as well as our talks and regular sermons. We will address this issue in our next Friday sermon and keep raising awareness.
Mosques have contributed greatly to the fight against the pandemic, although most of them had limited means. All Muslims that supported the mosque managements in this fight by strictly observing the hygiene and preventive measures deserve a big thank you. The security measure concept created by the Coordination Council of Muslims in Germany (KRM) has also been effective and an important service to society.
Besides our efforts until now, it is important to strengthen oir immune systems against the coronavirus by getting vaccinared, especially now that the case numbers are on the rise again, in order to be able to go back to our normal lives as soon as possible. While we cherish the holy month of Ramadan in pandemic conditions for the second time, it is our greatest wish to fully experience future Ramadans, as we used to do, with our families, friends and neighbours.