Press Release
Lesson should be drawn from the attack in Würzburg instead of instrumentalizing it!
29. June 2021
Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of Islamic Community Millî Görüş, released a statement regarding the refugee policy related demands expressed after the attack in Würzburg. “We can not respond to hatred of humanity by abolishing human rights.“ said Altaş, and continued his statement as follows:
“What happened in Würzburg has caused deep grief in all of us. It is crucial to draw the necessary lessons from it and answer the following questions urgently: Why could not the psychology of the attacker be rightly retained at the right time? Why were the necessary measures not taken?
The refugee policy related demands that were expressed after the attack are at fault as well. We can not respond to the hatred of humanity by undermining and abolishing human rights. Bringing some minority groups under suspicion due to this heinous attack is too not acceptable. This will do no good to anybody.
What must be done is to draw lessons from Würzburg. It is necessary to this end, to shed light on the background of the attack. When we learn what triggered the perpetrator and the motivation behind this reprehensible attack, we can then draw lessons from it and take the necessary measures for the future. Now is the time for calmness and being there for the families of the victims.
So far, Germany has achieved important things regarding the refugees. The experiences up until now have proven that premature judgement is wrong. What makes our society strong is the unity we exhibit. Instrumentalizing the events in Würzburg will mean to set people against each other, which in turn, will weaken our society. We refuse to contribute to this case.“