Friday Khutba
Khutba: Our Responsibility to the Environment
02. June 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (swt) created man as the caliph [leader], builder and protector of the earth. Caliph means an intelligent, conscious, and powerful being who structures the earth in accordance with Allah’s will. Our environment is a gift to us. For this reason, we have responsibilities such as not to cause mischief and not to harm living and non-living things. But unfortunately, today we can’t hold back from using natural resources wastefully and destroying our world in which we live and which we will leave as a legacy to future generations. Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran, “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He [i.e., Allāh] may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].”[1] The issue of environmental pollution has been ignored for reasons such as increasing the welfare level or keeping it constant, and this has led to the deterioration of the balance in nature. In this temporary world where more consumption is encouraged, we quickly move away from the consciousness of trust for our comfort and sacrifice a whole world for it. As stated in the verse, we, as those who cause mischief, taste its pain on earth.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
As a result of this careless pollution, environmental pollution causes the death of 1.5 million children under the age of 5 every year, according to the report published by the World Health Organisation. It has been stated that a quarter of deaths under the age of 5 worldwide are caused by environmental factors such as air pollution, dirty water, and unclean environments. Mankind will of course benefit from this world and reconstruct this world. But while doing this, we should stay away from wastefulness and destruction. Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran: “He ˹also˺ subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth—all by His grace.”
It is our duty to approach and protect this trust, which was given to be able to give thanks for them, with a sense of responsibility. A Muslim should reflect the beauty of his morals to his surroundings, people, animals, plants and should treat them well. Otherwise, the harm of disrespect, destruction and waste of the environment will return to ourselves.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The religion of Islam not only encourages the protection of the environment, but also wants Muslim individuals to be the protectors of the environment themselves. Our beloved Prophet (saw), who was sent as a guide to humanity, said, “…When a sinful and wicked person dies, people, towns, trees and animals are freed from his evil and find comfort…”[2] Again, the Prophet (saw) said: “…Removing something that is disturbing from the road is charity.”[3] Therefore, a person should avoid things that disturb others everywhere and under all circumstances. Because a Muslim must spread love and compassion and look at his surroundings with wisdom and example. We should aim not to exploit trees, water, air and nature. Polluting our environment, throwing garbage and filth on the ground does not suit human morality. This is disrespectful to both ourselves and the society we live in. We must know, as believers, that polluting our society is not part of Islam.
May Allah (swt) grant us to take care of our environment with this awareness. Ameen!
[1] Surah Ar-Rum, 30:41
[2] Buhârî, Rikâk, 42
[3] Buhârî, Cihâd, 128