Press Release
Islamic Community Congratulates Yom Kippur
16. September 2021
Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), congratulated the Jewish community on the Yom Kippur Festival. Altaş, who also published a message, congratulating Yom Kippur that was celebrated on September 16 this year, said, “We still feel sad when we remember the attack in Halle, which took place two years ago on this most important Jewish holiday.” and continued his words as follows:
“We congratulate all Jews on Yom Kippur and wish them to spend these happy days in peace and tranquility with their congregation, family and loved ones.
Unfortunately, the attack on the synagogue in Halle on Yom Kippur two years ago is still fresh in our memories. As we commemorate all the victims who lost their lives that day, we ask Allah for strength and patience for those who are left behind.
This attack was not just an attack on Jewish life and existence in Germany. On the contrary, this attack was an attack on all of us, our society as a whole, our coexistence and our values. We will not allow such atrocities to achieve their goals. On the contrary, we will be even more united, we will tighten our ranks and highlight our common values.”