Friday Khutba
Games of Chance: A Disease of Our Age
14. December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In the Quran and Sunnah, the limits of halal are determined, and halal behaviours and attitudes are praised. Likewise, the boundaries of haram are drawn, and haram attitudes and behaviours are condemned. Gambling and games of chance are also prohibited. In this regard, Allah (swt) said: “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?”
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Gambling and games of chance are among the evil deeds of Shaytan. Shaytan distances the believer from servitude through gambling. Gambling severs a person’s connection with Allah, isolates them, leads them to waste their life on useless and harmful things, creates a spiritual void, and makes the person ready to fall into Shaytan’s trap. On the other hand, gambling has many negative material and spiritual consequences on family and children. It leads to the breakdown of the family, causes children to detach from the family, incites domestic violence, promotes lying, drives people into debt and offends the dignity and honour of individuals. As a result, this extinguishes bonds of many families, and happy marriages come to an end due to gambling addiction. Thus, people become divided, just as Shaytan desires.
Dear Jama’ah!
In an age where people perceive easy money-making as success and technology covers every aspect of our lives, unfortunately, the accessibility of gambling, which leads people into these games of chance, has become even easier. The increase in types of gambling and their enhanced accessibility directly contributes to the rise in the number of gambling addicts. This situation has contributed to the perception of unfair gain as a legitimate path in society. As a result, gambling activities revolving around sports games, especially those favoured by young people, along with avenues such as lotteries or virtual betting for quick money-making, have become significantly widespread in society. People who pin all their hopes on gaining wealth through chance, without effort and honest labour, end up wasting not only their money but also their time, family and the greatest blessings they possess, such as health.
At this point, as a society, we need to raise awareness against these harmful habits and teach our youth the right values while enlightening families. Let’s not forget that an individual earning through lawful means, protecting their family and being beneficial to society is true success. Straying towards forbidden paths will only bring harm to the individual, their family and society. We must not overlook the fact that ultimately, the gambling system is designed in a way that always favours those who organise it.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) prohibited wine, gambling and intoxicants, as narrated in a hadith reported by Abdullah ibn Amr, in order to caution and discourage people from these prohibitions. In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Whoever invites his friend saying, ‘Let’s gamble,’ then they should give charity immediately out of remorse for being a part of something forbidden.” This indicates that even encouraging or promoting gambling through words or actions is prohibited. Let’s stay away from gambling and games of chance, which Allah and the Prophet have prohibited and explained their wisdom to us.
May Allah (swt) protect us from Shaytan, his evil deeds, and his traps. May Allah (swt) keep us steadfast on our religion. Ameen.
1 Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:90-91
2 Ebû Dâvûd, Eşribe, 5
3 Buhârî, Tefsîr, (Necm) 2
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