Sunnah: Prophet’s Guide

31. August 2023
When we mention 'Sunnah,' our Prophet (saw) comes to mind. Sunnah means tradition, path, practice and application. For us Muslims, it is the path, the path of Allah and just as we ask to be guided along the straight path 40 times a day in Surah Fatiha, it is the path of the straight path, which we also want Allah to guide us on.

Our Compassion

24. August 2023
The word Mercy, which reflects Allah's name Ar-Rahman, means to be most compassionate and merciful. All beings in the universe are surrounded by Allah's mercy. One of the most distinctive features of our Prophet (saw) is undoubtedly his mercy and compassion.

Avoiding Zina

17. August 2023
Islam commands people to have modesty and it forbids zina [adultery]. Adultery refers to extramarital and unwed relationships, which is considered unacceptable.

Knowing the Value of Time

10. August 2023
Allah (swt) has created us as beings with the opportunity to be the most honourable among His creations. When a person strives to truly be a devoted servant to Allah, they attain a level higher than even the angels.

10 Muharram: Day of Ashura

28. July 2023
This blessed Friday we are in is also the 10th day of Muharram. On this day, Adam (a.s.)’s repentance was accepted and Nuh (a.s.) was saved from the flood and the believers accompanying him.

Our Responsibility Towards Our Neighbour

20. July 2023
One of the most important goals of Islam is to morally elevate. In the past, Muslims who centred their lives around the principles and values of Islam established a way of life that aimed for the happiness of both this world and the hereafter.

1445 Hijri New Year

13. July 2023
On Wednesday, July 19th, the anniversary of the Hijrah, which is one of the turning points in the history of humanity, is celebrated as the Islamic New Year, also known as Hijri New Year. The Hijrah refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Muslim community of Makkah to Medina.
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