Call for Justice and Mercy

20. October 2023
Our religion, Islam, is a religion of peace, justice and mercy. According to Islam, all individuals have the right to freedom of religion, life and property. Our Prophet, Muhammad (saw), sent as a mercy to all of humanity, taught us that there is a moral and legal framework even in times of war. He instructed us that even in times of conflict, women, the elderly, children, places of worship and even plants and animals should never be harmed.

Enjoin Good, Forbid Evil

12. October 2023
The Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) has been addressed by Allah (swt) with the command: “Let there arise from you a community inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. And these are the successful.

Consuming Halal and Pure Blessings

05. October 2023
We, as humans, depend on food to sustain our lives in this world we have been sent to. It is impossible for us to live without food. Our religion, Islam, which provides a way of life, has not left us to our own decisions in this matter.

The Last Messenger Sent to Humanity

21. September 2023
Prophets are the chosen servants of Allah (swt). They are, in a sense, individuals who have been purified from among humanity. In the Qur'an, the term 'istafa' is used to emphasise this point. In the commentaries, this expression is understood and explained as meaning that prophets are made the essence of all creation, purified from negative qualities and decorated with praiseworthy attributes.

Sacrifice: Living for Your Brother

07. September 2023
One of the virtuous qualities and behaviours expected to be developed by a Muslim based on piety (takwa) is generosity. Giving for the sake of Allah, without carelessness with what is in one's possession, without falling into condemnable situations and without making oneself needy, is a valuable quality.
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