Being Together, the Power of Belonging.

07. December 2023
Allah (swt) brought existence from nothingness. The most precious creation He created is the human. When we look at the word 'insaan', we see that it comes from the root of 'unsiyah,' which signifies companionship and to relate. Human beings, born into a family, start their lives feeling primarily connected to their family. Then gradually, a sense of belonging extends to a community, a city, and a country.

Do Not Despair of Allah’s Mercy

30. November 2023
The human, sent as a Khalifa on Earth, is subject to various trials in accordance with the purpose of creation. The test process that began in paradise with our mother Hawa and father Adam will manifest differently for everyone until the day of Judgment Day.

We will continue to compete in goodness despite all the difficulties.

09. November 2023
Many people around the world are going through difficult times due to natural disasters, wars and other calamities. Some cannot find healthy living conditions, others lack adequate nutrition and medical care, and still, others are unable to access proper education and a safe environment. In search of a better future for their children, they are forced to seek refuge in safe cities and regions. Severe conflicts and attacks cause many people to abandon their homes. Villages are left empty and people migrate to other places.

Call to Conscience

03. November 2023
The word "Wijdane" is derived from the Arabic verb "wajada," which means "to find" or "to discover." It is used to refer to what a person finds or discovers within their own conscience or heart. Just as in the external world, in the "Mawjudat" (creation), we find many signs of creation, in our inner world, in our "Wijdane" (conscience), we also discover countless signs of Allah (swt).

Call to Humanity

27. October 2023
Human life is sacred and must be preserved. Its value is primarily obtained through the most beautiful creation of Allah (swt). Each individual is honoured by their inherent nature that makes them human. Our Prophet (saw) emphasised the shared value in human nature by stating that no child is born except on Fitra[1]. Without a doubt, being created as a human is a display of a unique mercy. Furthermore, by being recipients of divine revelation, humans have achieved a value that mountains and all other creatures could not bear.
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