The Reckoning of Life: The Worship of Itikaf

28. March 2024
We are approaching the last ten days of Ramadan, where the atmosphere of mercy surrounds our entire being and each act of worship reaches its peak through fasting. When we talk about the last days of Ramadan, the practice of Itikaf comes to mind. Itikaf involves withdrawing from all worldly activities and secluding oneself in the mosque to devote all one's time to worship.

Fasting in the Period of Mercy

14. March 2024
The blessed month of Ramadan is a time graciously given to us for the refinement of worship, morality, societal solidarity and the consciousness of brotherhood. It is also a transformative period where we engage in self-reflection and strengthen our spirituality.

Welcoming the Month of Ramadan

07. March 2024
We are on the eve of the blessed month of Ramadan, the only month mentioned by name in the Qur'an. As we leave behind the first two of the three months known as Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan, we are excited to enter the month of Ramadan.

 Night of Forgiveness: Laylat al-Baraat

22. February 2024
A believer never loses hope in the mercy and compassion of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) says in the Quran, "Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'” Additionally, in a sacred saying of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), Allah emphasises His infinite mercy towards His servants by stating, "My mercy prevails over My wrath.” This highlights the boundless mercy of Allah, the Most Merciful, towards His creation.

The Racist Is Not One Of Us

15. February 2024
Racism is prejudice, discrimination or aggression towards other people based on their belonging to a different race or ethnic origin. In our era, we witness wars and conflicts stemming from this wrongdoing, leading to bloodshed, tears and atrocities. Millions of people in different parts of the world are practically subjected to genocide, with survivors being displaced from their homes and becoming refugees. Feeling superior to others based on the ethnic group one is born into is a symptom of a soul in need of healing.

Taqwa: The Peak of Servanthood

08. February 2024
Taqwa is to avoid the punishment of Allah by obeying Him and to protect oneself from behaviours that are not pleasing to His will. Piety is the sole measure that gives us value in the sight of Allah (swt).

Laylatul Miraj

02. February 2024
InshAllah we will observe the Night of Miraj, which holds great importance for the Islamic world, on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
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