Rights of Parents

15. June 2023
Allah (swt) has created the worldly life in order to test mankind and chose parents as a means for us to come to this life. Since our father Adam and our mother Hawwa, many parents' paths have crossed, bringing souls into bodies and uniting their lives.

Business and Trade Ethics

08. June 2023
Engaging in work and commerce is an activity almost as old as human history itself. An individual cannot meet all their needs alone. Directly or indirectly, work and commercial activities are necessary to obtain the things one depends on.

The Environment Is Entrusted To Us

01. June 2023
In today's world, one of the most discussed solutions among scientists and policymakers is the weakening of the Earth's ecological structure. As a result of humanity's selfish and irresponsible attitude towards nature, the environmental destruction that has occurred is alarming and permanent.

Living a Halal Life

24. May 2023
How we can gain Allah's approval has been revealed to us in the Quran. The minimum condition for gaining Allah's approval is to avoid haram.

Child’s Rights Over Parents

18. May 2023
Just as parents have great rights over their children, children also have rights over their parents. Of course, parents have greater rights and are harder to fulfil.

Clinging To the Rope of Allah

11. May 2023
Islamic scholars have stated that what is meant by the rope of Allah in the verse is the Qur'an and Islam. “To cling to the rope of Allah all together” means to believe in the religion of Islam and to fulfill its requirements.

One’s Special Space: Their Privacy

04. May 2023
One of the most important concepts of Islam regarding individual and social life is privacy. It means “personal privacy, things that are not told to others and kept secret and the state of being private”. Today, in almost all legal and moral systems, privacy and protection of private life have been accepted as a fundamental human right.
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