Blessed Three Months

19. January 2023
Allah (swt) has bestowed the blessing of life on us. Of course, every moment of our given life is precious. However, there are special times when Allah (swt) abundantly bestows His grace and bounty on us. The months of Rajab, Shaban and Ramadan are thus the gates of blessings that open one after the other. These months are beneficial to our material and spiritual success and our eternal peace and happiness.

Importance of Fajr Prayer

12. January 2023
The first worship of every new day is the fajr prayer. The fajr prayer is the most important of the five daily prayers. The following is stated in the hadith: “Whoever performs the Fajr prayer is under the protection of Allah.”[1] Therefore, Allah (swt) will not leave Muslims who pray alone in this world and in the hereafter. Among the five daily prayers, the fajr prayer has a special place. Because the fajr prayer is more difficult compared to other prayers. Because the day has not yet come to light and people are sleeping comfortably in their warm beds

Understanding the Value of the Quran

05. January 2023
Allah (swt) did not leave human beings alone and unattended in the world, He sent prophets as leaders and showed them the way by sending divine books. The Qur'an contains issues related to people's knowing and serving Allah (swt), issues related to belief and worship, moral responsibilities, experiences of the past, the nature of the hereafter and many other issues.

The Chastity of Maryam

22. December 2022
Maryam (as) is a woman worthy of respect, who gave birth to Isa (as), whom Islam accepts as a servant and prophet, as "fatherless". Allah (swt) praised her for being faithful, obedient and patient in the face of pressure, and presented her as an exemplary Muslim.

Rows During Prayer

15. December 2022
One of the biggest worships of Islam is prayer. The five daily prayers are like columns that hold a building. Performing the prayer in congregation is a part of performing the prayer. The Quran mentions: “Be watchful over the Prayers, and over praying with the utmost excellence, and stand before Allah as would utterly obedient servants.”[1]

Manners of the Khutba

08. December 2022
The Messenger of Allah (saw) did not lead any Friday prayer without giving a khutba and said, "Pray as you have seen me pray. ”[1] If the khutba was not one of the conditions of the Friday prayer, the Messenger of Allah (saw) would have sometimes neglected the khutba to indicate this. However, no such thing has been conveyed. Therefore, the Friday prayer is not valid without the khutba.

Khutba: Obeying the Limits Set by Allah

01. December 2022
For us to reach the happiness of this world and the hereafter, Allah (swt) set certain limitations. Within the drawn borders, there are principles, rules, orders and prohibitions related to our personal and social life. These are called "Hudûdullâh" in the Qur'an. We have been informed that if we obey Hudûdullâh, we will attain the honour of gaining success in this world and the hereafter, and that there is a humiliating torment when we cross the line.
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