Friday Khutba

Etiquette of the Khutba

20. June 2024
Koran Tasbih Grün

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The Friday prayer is not just a form of worship for us but also an opportunity to reinforce our social unity and togetherness. In the khutba, as a requirement of this unity, we are reminded of Islam’s commands and prohibitions and important advice is given for our happiness in this world and the hereafter. The conditions and etiquettes of the khutba ensure that this important act of worship is performed in a manner that is in line with its spirit. Allah (swt) mentions, “O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.”

Additionally, regarding the obligation of the Friday prayer, it is stated in a hadith: “Attending the Friday prayer is obligatory for every Muslim who has reached puberty.” At the same time, it is mentioned that the Friday prayer is obligatory for everyone who hears the call of the muezzin.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The things that should be done on Friday were also expressed by our Prophet (saw), and he set an example for the believers by practicing them himself. Our Prophet (saw), through Abu Huraira (RA), summarised our topic in a hadith and said: “Whoever performs ablution and makes a good effort to do so, then comes to Friday prayer and listens to the khutba quietly, his sins between this Friday and the next Friday, along with three more days’ sins, will be forgiven. But whoever does not listen to the sermon and occupies himself with pebbles has done something empty.”

The Friday prayer is a great responsibility and an important act of worship for believers. Based on hadiths, Islamic scholars have stated that those who miss three Friday prayers without a valid excuse will have their hearts sealed. Therefore, neglecting the Friday prayer is a significant sin and wrongdoing.

According to the research of Muhammad Hamidullah, there were 18 mosques in Medina during the time of the Prophet (saw). However, believers would come to the Prophet’s Mosque on Fridays to listen to the Prophet’s weekly khutba. This practice underscores the importance of Friday and the value placed on the khutba.

The khutba is a part of the Friday prayer and is delivered by the imam. The khutba should consist of two parts, and in each part, praise should be given to Allah, blessings should be invoked upon the Prophet (saw), verses from the Qur’an should be recited and advice should be given to the congregation.

The khutba should be listened to in complete silence and with attention. Talking to the person next to you, being occupied with your mobile phone or engaging in any other distracting activity while listening to the khutba is contrary to its importance and detracts from the essence of the worship. The following hadith of our Prophet (saw) explains the etiquette of the khutba very well: “Even if you say to your friend, ‘Be quiet!’ while the imam is delivering the khutba on Friday, you have done something wrong.”

Dear Jama’ah

Just as with the Prophet’s Farewell Khutba, the advice and observations given in Friday khutbah should be conveyed to those who do not know or cannot attend the khutba. 

During the Friday prayer and khutba, our clothing should be clean and tidy. We must ensure that our bodies are not exposed during bowing and prostration. This is important both as a matter of the etiquette of worship and as a sign of our respect for Allah (swt).

May Allah (swt) make us among those who consistently attend Friday prayers and properly observe the etiquettes of the prayer and khutba. May He bestow upon us the spiritual blessings and mercy of the Friday prayer and khutba. May He make us conscious servants who benefit from them. Ameen.

1  Surah Al-Jumu’ah, 62:9

2  Ebû Dâvûd, Taharet, 129

3 Müslim, Cum’a, 27

4 Buhârî, Cum’a, 36

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