Friday Khutba

Eid al-Adha: The Joy of Fulfilling the Promise to Allah

15. June 2024
Mimber Lambalar

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Today, we observe the second of the two Eids in the Islamic world, Eid al-Adha. May your Eid be blessed! On this occasion, we are once again reminded, like Ibrahim (as) , Ismail (as), and Hajar (as), of the importance of surrendering to Allah, earning His pleasure and shaping our lives according to His commandments. Allah Almighty has said in Surah Al-Kawthar, first to His Messenger and then to us believers: “Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]. Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off [from his offspring].” Let us praise Allah, the Most High, who fulfilled His promise to His Messenger, and who makes us witnesses to this truth by remembering these verses.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) has advised us on what to do on this blessed day: “The first thing we do today is to perform the (Eid) prayer, then we turn back and sacrifice (an animal). Whoever does this has followed our tradition.” This is a clear guide showing us how to celebrate Eid.

Dear Jama’ah!

The sacrifice of Eid al-Adha symbolises the deep surrender and faith of Prophet Ibrahim to Allah. Allah (swt) tested Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail with a great trial, and they proved their complete submission to Allah through this difficult test. Sacrificing an animal is an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of this great prophet and to demonstrate our submission to Allah to everyone.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Our lives, our worship and our deaths are all for Allah. We sacrifice our animals not just to slaughter them, but solely to fulfill His command and to attain His pleasure. These sacrifices are not only for us but also a means of mercy for those in need around us. Our Prophet (saw) once asked what remained after a sacrifice and when Aisha (ra) replied, “Only a shoulder bone,” he responded, “It means everything except the shoulder bone is ours!” This is a very concise example showing us the benefits of generosity and sharing.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

In sacrificing an animal, what matters and reaches Allah is not the blood of the sacrificed animal, but the intention of the believer performing the sacrifice. Our intention is clear: to demonstrate our faith in Allah, our commitment to His commandments and to earn His pleasure. May Allah (swt) accept our sacrifices, not leave our prayers unanswered, keep us on the right path and grant us forgiveness. Ameen.

I congratulate you all once again on this blessed Eid. May Allah (swt) make these sacred and blessed days a means for the safety and peace of Palestine, Gaza, East Turkestan and all oppressed regions around the world. May your life be enriched with faith and Islam. In the Hereafter, may we all be free from sorrow, purified from sins and deserving of entry into the paradise of Allah (swt). Ameen.

1 Surah Al-Kawthar 106: 1-3

2 Buhârî, Îdeyn, 3

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