Friday Khutba

Digital Addiction and Our Social Media Ethics

22. August 2024
Koran Tasbih Grün

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Media, which refers to communication tools and platforms, has significantly increased its impact on people, especially with the arrival of the internet. In the past, media had an influence on the masses through limited means such as newspapers, radio, and television. However, after the invention of smartphones, it has begun to establish an almost unavoidable control over every individual’s life. According to research, the number of people who have become addicted to the internet and social media is steadily increasing.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

We must act consciously whilst using social media, which has become so influential over us and plays a decisive role in shaping our lives. First and foremost, we need to avoid a usage style that leads to addiction and steals our valuable time. Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) stated, It is part of a person’s being a good Muslim that he should leave alone that which does not concern him,[1] thereby expressing his disapproval of wasting time on unimportant matters. Unfortunately, we witness that many of our youth are spending excessive and unnecessary amounts of time on social media platforms. Yet, time is one of the greatest blessings given to us and it is essential that we organise it in the most beneficial way possible.

Dear Jama’ah!

A mindful Muslim is responsible for filtering the news they receive through the lens of truth and accuracy. On this matter Allah (swt) has states in the Holy Qur’an: “And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart—about all those [one] will be questioned.”[2]

In connection with this issue, we must remember that social media is a platform where uncontrolled information spreads. On these platforms, all kinds of false information can be used with the aim of manipulating the masses. Fake news can spread very quickly. We must not forget that our Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “It is enough of a lie for a person to narrate everything he hears.” [3] We should never allow lies and falsehoods to take root in our minds, nor should we contribute to their spread. And reminding again, the Messenger of Allah (saw) instructed us, “It is part of a person’s being a good Muslim that he should leave alone that which does not concern him,” [4] urging us not to chase after information that does not benefit us.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Of course, it is unthinkable for a Muslim to be entirely opposed to these digital tools or to refuse to use them. It is well known that social media also has its positive aspects. Our responsibility is to ensure that truth and goodness are spread through these means. Just as we maintain our Islamic principles in our interactions with real people, we must also adhere to these principles in our online behaviour. Our responsibility to uphold good morals applies at all times, whether in the real world or the virtual one. Anyone who is a Muslim should exemplify good character on the internet and social media. Utilising social media and the internet to spread Islam’s message to humanity, participate in discussions, access accurate information and engage in many other beneficial activities has become almost inevitable, and we should make use of it.

May Allah (swt) make us among those who use social media and the internet in ways that please Him. Ameen!

[1] Tirmizî, Zühd, 11

[2] Surah Al-Isra, 17:36

[3] Müslim, Mukaddime 5

[4] Tirmizî, Zühd, 11

Khutba: Digital Addiction and Our Social Media Ethics

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