Press Release
Deficiencies in Political Representation Weaken Democracy
22. December 2023
Ali Mete, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), issued a statement regarding a study conducted by the Mediendienst Integration organization.
According to the study conducted by the Mediendienst Integration organization, while there has been an increase in the number of parliament members with a migrant background, it is still insufficient to ensure adequate representation.
“Politics is gradually catching up with the social diversity, although there is still a gap,” stated Mete. He further elaborated:
“The higher the representation in parliament, the stronger democracy becomes. The growing number of parliament members with migrant backgrounds is a positive trend, benefiting both the nation and society. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to recognize that both the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) and state parliaments have substantial ground to cover in mirroring social diversity. States like Rhineland-Palatinate, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern, Hesse, and Saarland exhibit notable gaps between population demographics and parliamentary representation.
The same is true for the CDU, CSU and FDP. According to the survey, these parties exhibit the lowest representation of parliament members with migrant backgrounds. This situation not only highlights a democratic shortfall but also sends a negative message to certain segments of the population. In light of these circumstances, as an organization, we find the proposed simplifications in the naturalization process to be highly commendable and encouraging. By granting people living in Germany who are integral members of society the opportunity to exercise their right to vote and be elected, we can strengthen the democratic will of the nation. Over time, these changes will manifest in parliamentary diversity as well.
Demographic analysis indicates that cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity will continue to grow in Germany. Those who fail to recognize this reality are overlooking the burgeoning segment of the population and compromising their own future prospects.”