Friday Khutba

Day of Ashura

11. July 2024
Takka Tasbih Holz

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Next Tuesday, July 16, according to the Islamic calendar, is the 10th of Muharram, also known as the Day of Ashura. On this blessed day, it is said that significant events in the history of humanity occurred. Adam (as)’s repentance was accepted, Nuh (as) was saved from the flood, and his ark reached safety. Ibrahim (as) was protected by Allah’s grace from the fire into which the tyrant Nimrod had thrown him, Musa (as) was saved from Pharaoh’s oppression, and Yusuf (as) was freed from prison. Ayub (as) an example of patience in the face of trials and tribulations, was healed of his illnesses on this day. Additionally, this day marks one of the most tragic events in Islamic history, the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) beloved grandson, Hussein, in Karbala. This heartbreaking massacre, even after centuries, continues to cause grief in the hearts of all Muslims, regardless of their sect. The Islamic community can overcome this historical tragedy by learning lessons from what happened and strengthening our solidarity.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The greatest message that the Day of Ashura gives us is that the unity and solidarity of the Muslim ummah is one of the most significant life goals for a Muslim. Our Allah (swt) warns us in the Qur’an: “And do not be like those who became divided and differed after clear proofs had come to them. And they will have a great punishment.” 

Let’s be compassionate and merciful to one another so that new occurrences like the Karbala do not occur in our time. 

Let’s unite our hearts. Let’s make room for each other in our hearts and bring our lives together with love. Let’s act according to the hadith of our beloved Prophet (saw): “Do not harbor hatred and enmity towards each other, do not envy each other, do not turn your backs on each other. O servants of Allah! Be brothers. ”  Let’s integrate around the Islamic principles and values that will lead us to success in this world and the hereafter.

Dear Jama’ah!

In the early period of Islam, before fasting during Ramadan was made obligatory, fasting on the day of Ashura was obligatory. After fasting during Ramadan was made obligatory, this fast became voluntary. In this regard, the most commendable fast after Ramadan is on the 10th of Muharram, which is the day of Ashura. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “The most virtuous fast after the month of Ramadan is in the month of Allah, Muharram. The most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer. This hadith highlights the importance and value of this fast. In another hadith related to the topic, it is stated, “I hope that the fast of Ashura will expiate for the sins of the previous year.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters! 

In the lives of all the prophets mentioned at the beginning of our khutba, we find accounts in the Holy Qur’an. Their struggle for “Tawhid” (the oneness of God) serves as an example for us Muslims, the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). First and foremost, we must make the morality of Islam, which is a requirement of Tawhid, dominant over our own selves. In societal life, we should strive to spread Islam’s invitation to humanity towards goodness, beauty and truth. We Muslims will be held accountable primarily for ourselves on the Day of Judgment. However, Allah (swt) will also hold us accountable for our responsibilities towards those around us. May Allah (swt) grant us the awareness of Ashura, strengthen our unity and solidarity and allow us to attain Allah’s forgiveness. Ameen.

1 Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:105

2 Buhârî, Edeb, 57

3 Müslim, Sıyâm, 202

4 Tirmizî, Savm, 48

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