Press Release
Calling for more aid to poor countries
08. June 2022
Kemal Ergün, President of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), called for increased aid to poor countries. “It is not right to spend resources on military equipment instead of contributing to the development of poor countries. This leads both politically and morally to wrong path.” said Ergün and continued his words as follows:
“The consequences of war are being felt more and more every day around the world. And it is the poor countries that feel it the most. The increase in food prices worldwide has made the bad situation in these countries even worse. There is a real threat of a hunger crisis that may affect millions of people. All the rich industrialised countries must do their part to avert this catastrophe.
We regret that today the issue of military hardware and equipment is in the spotlight more than the global hunger crisis and its consequences. Aid that should be going to poor countries goes to the arms industries. This is a fatal mistake that will lead to more violence and suffering. More weapons means more war.
We appeal to the conscience of the international community and call on rich countries in particular to live up to their global responsibilities. This will only be possible if the following steps are taken: More aid to poor countries for development. Trade with these countries must be fair and sustainable. Nature must be protected, because the practices that cause climate change fill the coffers of rich countries while taking away the living space of people in poor countries.
Peace will only be possible when humanity treats each other fairly and resources are shared equitably. We cannot tolerate wealth and prosperity on the one hand and exploitation and hunger on the other. Humanity should not remain insensitive to the geographies where urgent aid is needed; it should intervene and help. The fact that the most neglected crises in the world are currently taking place in Africa tells a lot. The view of human suffering – wherever it is – must change radically and be free from racist stereotypes.”