Friday Khutba
Call for Justice and Mercy
20. October 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Our religion, Islam, is a religion of peace, justice and mercy. According to Islam, all individuals have the right to freedom of religion, life and property. Our Prophet, Muhammad (saw), sent as a mercy to all of humanity, taught us that there is a moral and legal framework even in times of war. He instructed us that even in times of conflict, women, the elderly, children, places of worship and even plants and animals should never be harmed.
As Muslims, we are commanded to stand against and prevent any form of injustice, regardless of its source or target. A wrongdoer is a wrongdoer, whether they are from within our community or outside it. A victim is a victim, whether they are one of us or not. Protecting the oppressed and showing them mercy solely because they are human is both a duty of faith and a duty of humanity. Regardless of the time and place, supporting justice and fairness, even in the face of hardship, is a clear commandment from the Quran.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Unfortunately, our world is currently going through a very challenging period marked by wars, occupations and global crises. On one hand, natural disasters and, on the other, wars have made the world an unbearable place for humanity. The most vulnerable, the oppressed and the children are paying the heaviest price for this terrible situation.
Regardless of the war setting, we witness that the sacredness of innocent civilians, places of worship, and institutions like hospitals are being violated. Mosques, churches, synagogues and even hospitals, schools and civilian residential areas must be protected both religiously and legally, in accordance with the principle of holiness.
We reject violence and terrorism directed at innocent civilians, whether they are Israeli or Palestinian. Similarly, we reject the collective punishment of Palestinians. Basic vital necessities such as food, water, medicine, electricity and gas should not be denied to people, regardless of the circumstances. Fundamental values such as human rights and the rule of law should be reaffirmed and adhered to. Double standards should be avoided in this regard, and it should be an undeniable principle that innocent civilians on either side should not be harmed.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
It is a bitter truth that innocent babies and children pay the price for political objectives. Children who should be enjoying their play and freedom are losing their lives. In the face of this heartbreaking and horrific scene, the following touching verses from the Quran come to mind: “And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed. And when the pages are made public. And when the sky is stripped away. And when Hellfire is set ablaze. And when Paradise is brought near. Every soul will [then] know what it has put forth.”[1]
Indeed, in the hereafter, everyone will be held accountable and absolute justice will prevail. In this period of trial for all of humanity, the cry of the oppressed will not go unanswered. The Prophet (saw) has advised, “Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah.”[2]
Dear Jama’ah!
We Muslims are people of moderation. We reject excess and extravagance. We call to goodness and forbid evil. In this context, we pray that hatred does not take root in our hearts. We work both actively and through prayer to prevent the exploitation of wars in the countries we live in and to maintain social harmony. We pray for the Islamic world and all of humanity, hoping that more disastrous consequences will not arise.
May Allah (swt) protect us and all of humanity from all forms of oppression and tyranny. May He lead us to a world where we can live in harmony and peace. Ameen.
[1] Surah At-Takwir, 81:8-14
[2] Buhârî, Zekât, 63; Müslim, Îmân, 29
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