Friday Khutba

Brotherhood and Solidarity 

16. May 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters! 

In the Qur’an and in the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (saw), the importance of brotherhood, which goes beyond blood ties, is emphasised. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Qur’an: “The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” This verse tells us that every individual who has faith is a brother to other believers, and that the bond of faith is a connection that surpasses all ethnic, social and cultural differences. Therefore, this brotherhood binds us tightly to one another. It not only binds us but also establishes a code of conduct among brothers. A Muslim cannot have suspicion about his brother, cannot backbite, cannot belittle him or address him with names or attributes he dislikes, and cannot stay angry with him for more than three days. The faith that makes Muslims brothers also makes them an ummah, a community nourished from the same source. Our Prophet (saw) also described this brotherhood by saying, “The believers, in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like a single body: when one limb aches, the whole body responds with sleeplessness and fever.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

This hadith reminds us of the responsibilities that believers have towards one another. Avoiding oppression, protecting and supporting those in need are requirements of brotherhood. Standing by our oppressed brothers and sisters in places like Gaza, East Turkestan, Myanmar, or anywhere in the world is a necessity of this brotherhood and solidarity that arises from it.

Dear Jama’ah!

Brotherhood is not just in words; it is a responsibility with practical implications. One of the ways to earn Allah’s pleasure is by looking out for and supporting our fellow believers. In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The relationship of the believer with another believer is like (the bricks of) a building, each part strengthening the other.” While saying this, the Prophet intertwined the fingers of his two hands to illustrate this point. With this awareness, each of us should start by observing the bonds and rights we have with our brothers and sisters in our immediate surroundings and maintain solidarity with them.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

We should keep this divine awareness fresh and apply it to every aspect of our lives. We should be living examples of brotherhood and solidarity. Our attitudes and behaviours should set an example when brotherhood is mentioned. Our prayer is that Allah allows us to live as true brothers and sisters. Let us love each other for the sake of Allah and consider it our duty to cover each other’s faults and meet each other’s needs, remaining steadfast on this path. May Allah keep us firm on the right path, strengthen our brotherhood and treat us with His mercy.

Dear Jama’ah!

As I conclude my khutba, I invite you to the “Brotherhood and Solidarity Day” organised by the Islamic Community Milli Görüş Organisation on Sunday, May 19, 2024, in Hasselt, Belgium. This day, a tradition of our organisation, will bring together our Muslim brothers and sisters from many countries around the world. We wish to be with you, our dear brothers and sisters, to witness this day, demonstrate our brotherhood, and see and declare how strong we are in solidarity. Please remember to contact the relevant administrators in our communities to reserve your seats on the buses. Looking forward to seeing you at our program, may the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. Have a blessed Jumah.

1 Surah Hujurat, 49:10

2 Müslim, Birr, 66

3 Buhârî, Salât 88, Mezâlim 5; Müslim, Birr 65

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