Friday Khutba
Being Together, the Power of Belonging.
07. December 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (swt) brought existence from nothingness. The most precious creation He created is the human. When we look at the word ‘insaan’, we see that it comes from the root of ‘unsiyah,’ which signifies companionship and to relate. Human beings, born into a family, start their lives feeling primarily connected to their family. Then gradually, a sense of belonging extends to a community, a city, and a country. Each of these affiliations is humane and valuable. However, for a believer who believes in Allah, the Messenger (saw) and the Day of Judgment, the sense of servitude to Allah (swt) takes precedence over all these connections. A Muslim constructs their identity by being a servant of Allah and part of the Prophet’s community. The Qur’an emphasises our communal identity by stating: “You are the best community brought forth for humankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah…”
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The responsibilities given to us by being a Muslim belonging to the community of Rasulullah (saw) are significant. Allah (swt) says, ‘Who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah, works righteousness, and says, “I am one of the Muslims”?” The Islamic faith is not meant to contradict human nature or be a religion to be practiced solely in seclusion or atop mountains. Worshiping Allah (swt) properly involves being amongst people and fulfilling all sorts of social responsibilities. As our ancestors appropriately put it, one should be ‘among the people, along with the truth.’
Dear Jama’ah!
One of the greatest forms of worship in our religion is undoubtedly jihad. Our Prophet (saw) commands his community to “Strive with your wealth, your tongues, and your hands.” Jihad, in its broadest sense, involves establishing goodness, truth and beauty primarily within ourselves. Subsequently, it’s about striving for the spreading of these values within society, employing appropriate methods and peacefully spreading them. A Muslim’s life philosophy should never be solely determined by personal comfort and interests. A Muslim should never fall into the trap of egoism. We should go by this phrase, ‘Service to humanity is service to Allah.’
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
As the Islamic Community Milli Gorus, since our establishment, we have coexisted and rushed to the aid of countless oppressed together from our earliest years. We’ve acted in accordance with what Allah (swt) has commanded us. We’ve made serving Muslims and all people, who are our brothers and sisters from Adam (as), our motto. In these difficult times for the ummah, let’s strengthen our bond to our organisation. Let’s become members of our mosques, which are like the branches of the Kaaba and Al-Aqsa Mosque and take ownership of them. Let’s maintain our presence in congregational prayers. Let’s concern ourselves with the affairs of our mosques and take responsibility as much as we can. According to a narration from Aisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) said, “Do deeds that you can manage consistently. Allah does not tire, but you do. The most beloved deeds to Allah are those performed regularly, even if they are few.”
As long as we stand united, moving steadily in service to Muslims and humanity, we will continue to progress, inshAllah. May Allah (swt) strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among us as Muslims and enable us to serve both His religion and humanity. Ameen!
1 Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:110
2 Surah Fussilat, 41:33
3 Nesâî, Cihad, 48
4 Ebû Dâvûd, Tatavvu, 27
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