Friday Khutba

Purifying Our Souls with Repentance

25. January 2024
Narrated by Abu Bakr (ra), our Prophet (saw) said: 'If a person commits a sin, performs ablution afterwards, then gets up and prays two rakats and seeks forgiveness from Allah, Allah will certainly forgive him.' In the Quran, in the creation of the first human, the physical structure, namely his body, is referred to as "bashar”. When the soul is breathed into it and it attains the capacity to bear the divine trust, the being is then characterised as "human." The most important stage in the transition from being a "bashar" to a human is taught to us in the story of Adam (as). After approaching the forbidden tree, a sense of remorse was felt and and the call was made to Allah (swt): "O our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers."

Friday Khutba

Infaq: Doors of Charity

18. January 2024
Allah (swt), in the Surah Al-Baqarah, describes the pious as follows: “Those who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend from what We have provided for them.” One of the most important principles of our religion, Islam, is undoubtedly the act of charity (infaq). Charity involves extending generosity to others from the wealth and blessings entrusted to us by Allah (swt). It means protecting and caring for those in need, looking out for them. It is an effort to be beneficial to our family, relatives, neighbours, fellow believers and all of humanity.

Friday Khutba

The Blessed Three Months

11. January 2024
The Night of Raghaib has passed last night, and today marks the beginning of the three blessed months, characterised by mercy and forgiveness. Endless praise be to Allah (swt) who has led us to these days.

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Night of Raghaib

05. January 2024
Among all creatures, humans hold the most honourable position as they sustain the life granted by Allah (swt) within the dimensions of time and space. Just as Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem hold greater value and virtue than other places, temporally, the months we refer to as Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan are considered more blessed and virtuous than other times.

Friday Khutba

Protecting the Boundaries Set by Allah 

28. December 2023
In the Quranic verse we have recited at the beginning of the khutba, Allah (swt) addresses us believers: " O believers! Do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.” Allah (swt) has created existence and life in a state of balance. A seed falling onto the soil, if deprived of some sunlight or exposed excessively to water, cannot grow and flourish. Even a slight disturbance in the delicate mathematical balance in the universe could lead to the collapse of the entire cosmos. If the Earth were to deviate even slightly from its orbit, life could cease to exist. Similarly, when humans look at their own bodies, they encounter an astonishing balance. The marvellous harmony in the universe and within humans reminds us of the following verse: "...[He] who created everything and determined it and [then] guided.”
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