Friday Khutba


01. August 2024
llah (swt) has created us among different societies and nations on earth. He has created humanity as social beings who need each other. Individuals must uphold moral principles and values in their relationships within the society they live in.

Friday Khutba

Parent’s Rights

25. July 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters! The human being, the most honourable creature created by Allah (swt), comes into the world in a helpless state.

Friday Khutba

Ihsan: Living as if seeing Allah

18. July 2024
Ihsan, which means "to be beautiful," is generally used in two slightly different contexts: to do good to others and to do one's work beautifully. A person who practices ihsan is called a muhsin.

Friday Khutba

Day of Ashura

11. July 2024
Next Tuesday, July 16, according to the Islamic calendar, is the 10th of Muharram, also known as the Day of Ashura. On this blessed day, it is said that significant events in the history of humanity occurred. Adam (as)’s repentance was accepted, Nuh (as) was saved from the flood, and his ark reached safety. Ibrahim (as) was protected by Allah’s grace from the fire into which the tyrant Nimrod had thrown him, Musa (as) was saved from Pharaoh's oppression, and Yusuf (as) was freed from prison.

Friday Khutba

Hijri New Year 1446

04. July 2024
As of Sunday, we will have reached the year 1446 in the Hijri calendar, which is the calendar of us Muslims. We pray to the Allah (swt) that the Islamic New Year brings goodness to the entire Muslim world and humanity, and that we witness days when the oppressed and suffering regions attain peace.
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