Press Release

Politics is the primary reason for low voter turnout of Muslims

27. August 2021
Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), released a statement on the occasion of survey results which was conducted by the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research on behalf of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. According to the survey, German citizens of Muslim faith rate democracy and the political system in Germany more positively than the average citizen. Nevertheless, they participate less often in elections. "The Muslim population in Germany does not feel represented by politics. This is the main cause of their low voter turnout. Politicians have a duty to act on that." explained Bekir Altaş, and continued his statement as follows:

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Transitioning Knowledge into Action

27. August 2021
Dear Believers! We all know that seeking knowledge is Fard upon us all. The knowledge that is fard upon all of us is “ilm-I Hal” – The knowledge and rulings to get us through our worldly responsibilities and religious requirements such as faith, ethics, wudu, prayer, fasting, zakat, haj, wedding and business. Obtaining religious knowledge in Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Kalām - also general worldly knowledge in medicine, engineering, architecture and history is fard kifāyah, which means that it is not obligatory anymore for the individual to specialise in these fields, if enough people already deal with it. Despite this, knowledge should not be our sole purpose. As knowledge is a tool and actions are our aim.

Press Release

People in Afghanistan need immediate help

20. August 2021
"The German government has a duty to alleviate the suffering in Afghanistan, which it has played a major role in causing, at least to some extent by providing rapid and unbureaucratic aid. Afterwards, this disaster must be dealt with," explained Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), on the occasion of the dramatic situation in Afghanistan. Bekir Altaş continued his statement as follows:

Friday Khutba

Value of Time

20. August 2021
Allah (swt) the owner of time and everything says, “Blessed is He who has placed in the sky great stars and placed therein a [burning] lamp and luminous moon. And it is He who has made the night and the day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude.”[1]. Human existence is dependent on place and time. In these realities created by Allah (swt), all creatures, especially us, maintain their liveliness. Since a place is a tangible asset, its value is more easily understood. However, since time is an intangible entity, we, as servants, can sometimes be neglectful about understanding its value and giving it its due. However, realising the importance of time and using our days, hours, minutes and even seconds accordingly is one of the conditions for our success in this world and the next.

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Understanding the Day of Ashura

13. August 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters! In the history of mankind, many important events occurred on the Day of Ashura, which comes on the tenth of the month of Muharram. The blessed grandchild of our Muhammad (saw), Hussain (r.a), was killed on the Day of Ashura together with seventy-two other people beside Him. Again, it is narrated that the ship of Prophet Noah (a.s.) had escaped from the flood and that Prophet Moses (a.s.) had passed the Red Sea with his people on the Day of Ashura that comes on the tenth of Muharram.

Friday Khutba

Today’s Migration

06. August 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Dealing with history is extremely important in order to understand Today and shed light on Tomorrow. When dealing with history, events that changed the course of history are generally discussed. These events have affected the age so much that the history before and after that event is now mentioned. Migration of […]

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Communication Amongst Spouses

30. July 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Allah (swt), After creating Adam (as), he also created Hawa (as). In the Qur'an, Allah (swt) says: “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
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