Friday Khutba

Khutba: Taming Our Nafs

04. August 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters!   Allah (swt), who created all existence out of nothing, created man as composed of body and soul. The human being, although he was created in the most beautiful form physically, it is his spiritual structure that distinguishes him from other creatures. Allah (swt), regarding the creation process of man says; […]

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Being Moderate in Consumption

14. July 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Today, consuming has become an indicator of social status and identity, and this lifestyle has been exposed on social media. The notion “I earn, so I consume as I wish.” is driving us to waste, extravagance and irresponsibility every day. According to research, one third of the food produced in the […]

Khutba: Eid al-Adha

08. July 2022
We thank Allah (swt), who has created humanity out of nothing and gave life, that he allowed us to reach Eid al-Adha today. In Islam, "Qurban" is a way to come closer to Allah (swt). In particular, it refers to slaughtering certain types of animals at a certain time for the purpose of being close to Allah (swt), that is, for worship. Sacrifice is present in almost all religions and is performed in different ways and styles.

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Surrendering

07. July 2022
Ibrahim (as) questioned the belief system and attitudes of the pagan society in which he lived. The society worshiped idols and considered them as gods which was not appealing and did not satisfy Ibrahim (as).

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Racism: The Ignorant Mentality

30. June 2022
In terms of the principles laid down by Islam, there is no superiority among people due to physical reasons such as colour, gender and geographical differences. To humiliate people's ancestry and gender differences means ignoring the wisdom of Allah (swt) in creating them.

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Silat al Rahim

23. June 2022
Man, the most honorable being that Allah (swt) has created on earth, is a social being. As soon as he is born, he is born in need of the attention and affection of his parents. As he grows up and gets older, it becomes a part of a belonging that extends from close relatives to distant relatives. A development of a healthy personality depends on the strong relations established with relatives. Individuals who are distant from their relatives suffer from loneliness due to the weakening of their social bases and lose their resistance in the face of life's difficulties.

Friday Khutba

Khutba: Building the Home on Solid Foundations

16. June 2022
It is a human necessity for a man to marry a woman and a woman to marry a man in order to meet their needs, to share life's difficulties, sadness and joy. In an old saying, “Aloneness is only for Allah ”. It is both a right and a duty for every person who does not have a disability to marry, to get rid of the feeling of suffering that loneliness will bring and to start a family.
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