Friday Khutba

One’s Special Space: Their Privacy

04. May 2023
One of the most important concepts of Islam regarding individual and social life is privacy. It means “personal privacy, things that are not told to others and kept secret and the state of being private”. Today, in almost all legal and moral systems, privacy and protection of private life have been accepted as a fundamental human right.

Friday Khutba

Continuation of Fasting

20. April 2023
We bid farewell to the blessed month of Ramadan, after a month of intense worship. May Allah (swt) allow us to reach many more Ramadans with the same excitement and peace.

Eid Al-Fitr: Strengthening the Brotherhood

20. April 2023
We have completed a Ramadan with mercy at the beginning, forgiveness in the middle, and salvation at the end. We are saddened by the end of this blessed month, but at the same time we are happy to reach the morning of Eid, when the feelings of Islamic brotherhood are experienced with enthusiasm.

Friday Khutba

Laylatul Qadr

14. April 2023
Facing saddening days for the past months with natural disasters around the world and endless sufferings of the Ummah, we look forward to Laylatul Qadr [Night of Power], which will be a means of inspiration and peace. On next Monday, we will meet the Night of Power with the grace of Allah (swt).

Friday Khutba

Itikaf: Time for Worship and Contemplation

06. April 2023
In our authentic Islamic tradition, which is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, there is a form of worship called Itikaf. Itikaf, as a word, means to wait in a place, to stop and to close oneself somewhere. We know that before the first revelation was revealed to the Messenger of Allah (saw), retreated to the cave of Hira and was busy contemplating.

Friday Khutba

The Necessity of Social Unity: Zakat

30. March 2023
In Islam, the most important act of worship after prayer is giving zakat. The word zakat, which means abundance, cleanliness, increase and praise in Arabic, is defined in our religion as "Muslims, who are considered wealthy, to give a certain amount of certain types of goods to places determined by Allah".
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