Friday Khutba

Taking Our Prophet as an Example 

05. September 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Allah (swt), who created us out of nothing, states: “Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah often.”  Sent as a mercy to all the worlds, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is an eternal and unchanging “role model” for all generations. His noble character, lifestyle and stance in the face of events and issues are examples that transcend time and space for all humanity. The Qur’an emphasises this by saying, “O Prophet! Indeed, We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, a warner, one who invites to Allah by His permission, and as a shining lamp.” 

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Striving to ensure that goodness and truth prevail in our lives is a requirement of our humanity and our faith as Muslims. Rasulullah (saw), who said, “I was sent to perfect good character,”  was tasked by Allah to convey and demonstrate the criteria of what is good and true. In his Farewell Khutba, our beloved Prophet stated, “I am leaving you with two things, and as long as you hold on to them firmly, you will never go astray: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet. The Qur’an and Sunnah have served as a guide throughout the history of the Muslim Ummah and will continue to guide in the future as well.

Dear Jama’ah!

Sa’id ibn Hisham (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates: “I asked (to Aisha), ‘O Mother of the Believers, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah.’ She replied, ‘Don’t you read the Qur’an? His character was the Qur’an itself…'” The Messenger of Allah was essentially a living Qur’an. 

We learn from the Sunnah of our Prophet how to live out the values and ethics presented by the Qur’an, our guide in life, in the flow of daily life. Therefore, the undisputed primary sources of Islam are both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. In Islamic knowledges, the Sunnah is defined as “the sayings, actions, or approvals of the Messenger of Allah.” Efforts today to diminish or undermine the value of the “Sunnah al-Saniyya” are destined to fail in the future, just as they did in the past.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

We should learn the Sunnah of our Prophet and apply it in our lives, setting an example for those around us. It is not enough to remember him as a leader or recognise him as a prophet; we must strive to live like him. We should strive like him for the peace and well-being of humanity. Prophet Muhammad (saw) was compassionate and merciful toward his family. He treated women with utmost kindness and offered them help. He was a trustworthy friend to his companions, the Ashab al-Kiram. Our Prophet loved guests and personally served them. He treated non-Muslims who visited him in the same manner. He never spoke harshly to anyone, never acted in a hurtful manner, and throughout his life, he never scolded anyone. When a man came to the Prophet after the conquest of Mecca and began trembling with fear, the Prophet showed his humility, saying, “Do not fear, I am not a king. I am the son of a woman who ate dried meat from the Quraysh.” He was truthful and never broke his promises; he disliked liars. He never sought revenge and loved to forgive. When migrating to Medina, he returned the trusts of the Meccans, who had previously placed their confidence in him, to their rightful owners. Throughout his life, the Prophet was an example in all matters, demonstrating this not only through words but also through his actions.

May Allah (swt) make all of us among those who embody the character of our Prophet and follow his path. Ameen!

1 Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:21

2 Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:45

3 Muvattâ, Husnü’l Huluk, 8; Müsned, XIV/513

4 Muvatta’, Kader, 3

5 İbn Hanbel, III, 155

6 İbn Mâce, Et’ime, 30

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