Friday Khutba

Our Responsibilities Towards Our Children

08. August 2024
Mimber Lambalar

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Just as children have responsibilities towards their parents, parents also have responsibilities towards their children. Our Prophet (saw) explained this duty by saying, “Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock.[1] Allah (swt) says: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones…”[2] Our spouses and children are entrusted to us by Allah. Honouring this trust is a characteristic of a believer, while betraying it is a sign of hypocrisy. Our primary duty towards Allah’s trusts is to introduce them to their Lord, endear Him to them and advise them to become believers who comprehend the belief in the Oneness of Allah. Indeed, Luqman (as) first advised his son to “never associate anything with Allah.”[3]

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “No parent has given a child a gift better than good upbringing.”[4] The most valuable inheritance parents can leave to their children, the greatest gift they can give, is to teach them the beautiful morals and manners of Islam by living them. Parents’ responsibilities towards their children begin even before their birth. The first of these is choosing a pious and moral spouse. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said regarding marriage, “Choose the one who is religious, so that you may find blessings in both of your hands![5] Choosing a pious and moral spouse is the first step towards a healthy family structure and raising children well. The second responsibility is to display the behaviours expected of a Muslim at every stage of marriage. Acting in accordance with Islamic rulings during the engagement and marriage processes ensures a blessed and peaceful family life.

Avoiding the forbidden and conducting these processes in line with Islamic commandments and prohibitions strengthens the family’s spiritual foundations.

Another responsibility is for future parents to nourish themselves with halal and pure products and to do so with lawful earnings. Providing the child with healthy and halal food starts from the womb and continues throughout life. Therefore, ensuring that the food brought into the home is obtained through lawful means, and that the mother’s diet is halal and healthy, contributes to the child’s being born and growing up with a pure nature.

Dear Jama’ah!

After the birth of their children, parents’ responsibilities increase. One of the first responsibilities is to give the newborn a beautiful name. Choosing a good and meaningful name is the first spiritual gift to the child. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “You will be called by your names and your fathers’ names on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, make your names beautiful.”[6]  Naming our children after the great figures of Islam helps introduce them to exemplary Muslim personalities. The birth of a child should be an opportunity for parents to give thanks to Allah, give charity and offer an aqiqah sacrifice. The aqiqah sacrifice is an expression of gratitude to Allah for the child’s birth. Parents should not make distinctions between their children and must act justly. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Fear Allah and be just among your children![7] Teaching children the Qur’an at a young age, getting them accustomed to praying and instilling good manners are important duties of Muslim parents. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “The upbringing given to a child at a young age is like writing on stone.[8] When a child reaches the age of marriage, finding a suitable spouse and facilitating the marriage is also among the parents’ responsibilities. The importance of marriage is understood from the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), “Whoever gets married has completed half of his religion.[9]

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Raising our children, who are entrusted to us by Allah, with Islamic faith, morals and upbringing is our greatest duty. May Allah grant us patience and determination on this path. O Allah! Grant us the ability to instil the best manners and upbringing in our children. Make our spouses and children a source of joy for us. Protect us and our descendants from the torment of Hell. Bless our families with faith, peace and steadfastness. Ameen.

[1] Buhârî, Cum’a 11

[2] Surah At-Tahrim, 66:6

[3] Surah Luqman, 31:13

[4] Tirmizî, Birr, 33

[5] Buhârî, Nikâh 15

[6] Ebû Dâvûd, Edeb 69

[7] Sahih-i Buhârî, Hibe (11/ 47)

[8] El-Camiu’s-sağir, 1/254; Kenzu’l-Ummal, h. No: 2759

[9] Feyzül Kadir 6. 103; Aclûnî, 2432

Khutba – Our Responsibilities Towards Our Children

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