Friday Khutba

Khutba: Taking Our Prophet As An Example

13. October 2022
Mimber Lambalar

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran; “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.”[1] Prophet Muhammad (saw) is an eternal “role model” for all generations until the Day of Judgment. His good morals, way of living life and his attitude towards everything are an example for all humanity that exceeds time and space. Allah (swt) shows us the importance of this through this ayah, “O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner And one who invites to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating lamp.”[2]

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

If people did not believe in the honesty and trustworthiness of the Prophet (saw), who said, “I was sent to complete good morals.” in other words, if he had been rude and hard-hearted, they would never have gathered around him, they would have dispersed. Jafar (r.a.) expressed this issue in the presence of the ruler of Abyssinia, under whose aid they took refuge, as he said: “O king, we were an ignorant people. We worshiped idols and ate the meat of dead animals. We used to do ugly things. We didn’t care about our relatives. Our strong ate the wealth of our weak. While we were in this state, Allah sent us a messenger. He is from us. We know his lineage. We all witness that he is telling the truth, that he is honest, reliable and virtuous. He invites us to Allah, His unity. Forbidding us from worshiping the pieces of stone that our ancestors worshiped besides Allah. He directs us to worship Allah by giving charities and fasting. He orders us to tell the truth, to protect the trust, to respect the rights of neighbours, to stay away from haram, not to shed blood, not to give false witness, not to eat orphan’s property, and not to slander women. We also certified it.”[3]

Dear Jama’ah!

Sa’d b. Hisham narrates: “I said (to Aisha) ‘O mother of the believers, tell me about the morals of the Messenger of Allah (saw).’ She said: ‘Don’t you read the Qur’an? The morality of the Messenger of Allah is the Qur’an…’”[4]

Our Prophet (saw) was a walking Qur’an. It is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) that shows us how to live by the values ​​and morals revealed by the Qur’an. Therefore, the main sources of Islam are indisputably both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. As the source of Islam, the Qur’an is the original and the Sunnah is the method. The Sunnah determines the method of understanding the Qur’an, explains the implicit, and declares the ambiguous. In this respect, understanding and applying the Sunnah of our Prophet also means understanding and living the Qur’an. For us Muslims This is exactly what it means that the Sunnah of the Prophet is binding.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The examples that became visible in the life of our Prophet (saw) should become essential values ​​for the Ummah. It is very valuable to have faith in his prophethood, but this is not enough; on the contrary, it is necessary to try to be like him in every way. Because, for example, he was an exemplary leader of his family. He was extremely kind to his family. He loved his guests very much and served them himself. He treated the non-Muslims who came to visit him in the same way. He did not say bad words to anyone, did not act offensively, and never scolded anyone throughout his life. He was truthful. He never broke his promise and did not like liars. He did not take revenge on anyone, he liked to forgive. Our Prophet set an example in every subject throughout his life and showed this not only with words but also with his actions.

May Allah (swt) make us among those who follow the moral values ​​of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and follow his path. Ameen.

[1] Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:21

[2] Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:45-46

[3] İbn İshâk, 195-196; İbn Hişâm, I, 336

[4] İbn Hanbel, III, 155

Khutba: Taking Our Prophet As An Example

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