Friday Khutba

The Virtue of Congregational Prayer

14. November 2024
Prayer, the ascension of the believer, the pillar of our faith and the first act to be accounted for on the Day of Judgment, is one of the five pillars of Islam. Five times a day, in every part of the world, we are called to salvation and to stand in the presence of our Lord in a language that all Muslims understand.

Friday Khutba

Loyalty and Faithfulness

07. November 2024
One of the most valued moral qualities in Islam is loyalty. Loyalty means, on one hand, fulfilling promises and maintaining relationships, while on the other, not forgetting being appreciative and showing gratitude and faithfulness in return.

Friday Khutba

Our Guide: The Quran

17. October 2024
Allah (swt), who created the earth as a testing ground for humanity, did not leave us alone during this test. Through the messengers and books He sent, He has taught and shown us right from wrong, truth from lie and good from evil.
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